
Spring Maintenance Tips

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 26, 2021 2:32:53 PM posted in Spring Maintenance Tips, Spring Cleanup, Spring Cleaning

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Finally, Winter has to come to an end! The Winter of 2021 will be remembered as one of the snowiest in recent memory and for some local areas the snowiest ever as records were shattered. It seemed like the snow would never melt but we have finally made it! Winter may have left us for the time being, but it has also left most people’s homes in desperate need of some repairs.  Below is a checklist of what to look out for that might need repair after a harsh winter season:

Damaged Roofing- When checking for damaged roofing remember to always exercise safety and caution first. We recommend that you DO NOT look for troubled spots on the roof from the exterior leave that to a professional. What you can do is go into the attic and check for signs of moisture by using a flashlight. Additionally, you could also look for pinpoints of daylight showing through. If there are signs of moisture and daylight showing through your roof then you need the help of a professional.

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